Mary was shocked and surprised when she received the news from angel Gabriel that Christ was going to be born to her. But in the midst of it she learned the Lord’s plan. We need to know the plans of the Lord in such astonishing situations in our lives.
Mary was DEVOTED
Mary knew what was going to happen but did not know how it was going to happen. In such an inexplicable situation, we could witness Mary surrendering herself to the Lord’s word that came through Angel Gabriel. Likewise, there are many situations incomprehensible in our lives.
Do we devote ourselves like Mary or do we question God? Is it due to lack of faith?
Mary surrendered her to God’s plan without any further questions and her heart rejoiced. A joyful heart will sing praises to the Lord and glorify Him. Our joy should be seen in our lives these Christmas days as praising and glorifying the Lord.
How do we use our happiness?
Joseph was BLAMELESS
Joseph, who was engaged to Mary, was blameless. He manifested holiness in his private life. He lived righteously in those days when righteous people were rare.
Commit to the manifestation of purity and righteousness in our personal lives.
When Joseph learned of the events in Mary’s life, he neither condemned her according to Jewish law nor blame her. He wanted to desert her secretly, not wanting to be humiliated. Joseph's excellent character is revealed by accepting Mary as his wife after listening to the angel Gabriel. God's children obey God's voice.
We are called to respect the feelings of others like Joseph, who did not blame anyone.
Let’s show our best character by obeying the words of Jesus Christ!
In the land of Israel, shepherds were despised and looked down upon. But, the gospel of the birth was first revealed to them. Christ is our Saviour who redeems us from sinful life.
The shepherds were DEDICATED
The shepherds, who heard about the birth of Jesus decided to see Jesus straight away. That night they saw Jesus and worshiped him. This is the obedience God is expecting from us.
What is our response when we hear the voice and words of Christ?
The Shepherds DECLARED the good news
The dedicated shepherds did not forget or hesitate to proclaim the message announced by the angel without exaggerating the experience of hearing the angel and announced this news to everyone that Jesus is Lord.
Let's proclaim the Savior to others this Christmas.
A terrified Herod
Herod was terrified when he heard the news that a king had been born to the Jews. The birth of Jesus Christ brought joy to everyone, but Herod was troubled. The reason was that he thought his position was in danger. We can live in peace and without fear if we know Christ.
A hostile Herod
Fear created enmity in Herod's life. The king, who confirmed the birth of Christ through the religious leaders, spoke deceitfully to the wise men. In fact, there is no intention of seeing or worshiping Jesus. A life that does not accept Christ will cause deception and enmity.
A revengeful Herod
Fear and enmity resulted in adverse actions. He ordered to murder boys under the age of two to kill Jesus. Evildoers will engage in such destructive activities. Let us pray for the protection of the believers in Christ.
The Wise Men misunderstood
They have mastered Astronomy, know the times on earth, and the events happening on earth through the star. The exceptional star that appeared in the east announced the birth of Jesus Christ and they were led to Bethlehem knowing that a king had been born to the Jews. After several days and many miles to reach Jerusalem, they missed the way and they were disappointed. Let us depend on God's guidance without leaving room for self-intellect.
The wise men lost the way but found Messiah
When they came out of the palace they saw the star again. God guided them on the right path. The star stood on the house where the baby Jesus was. Then they saw Jesus, worshiped and offered the gifts.
The wise men changed their path
After they worshiped Jesus, they were warned by God not to go to Herod's place and they went back to their country by a different route. They did not hesitate to change the old path. Let us commit to leave the path of sin and follow the path of holiness.
Simeon was pious
The days that Simeon lived were dark days where holiness is rarely seen in the lives of godly people. But he led a life of righteousness and religiousness. We need to show godly devotion in all circumstances.
Simeon led a Spirit filled life
Simeon not only lived a devoted life; his life was led by the Spirit of God. Are we living a Spirit-led life as we prepare for the second coming of Jesus?
Simeon sang praises
Simeon, who had faith in God's word, sang praises on Jesus Christ who came as a comfort to Israel, and a shining light to the Gentiles. How do we know Jesus? Are we proclaiming the gospel through our praises?
A disheartened Anna
Anna’s life was widowhood at a young age. She lived with her husband for only 7 years and feeling lonely and disappointed. But she received divine support despite the loss of human support. All human supports will one day completely pass us by. Let us not forget that the only constant support is the support of Christ.
A devoted Anna
From youth to old age, she worshiped the Lord incessantly in the midst of losses and tribulations. She never left the Lord's temple, fasted all day long and prayed. Let us consider it a great privilege to worship the Lord even in the adverse circumstances of life.
A Comforted Anna
She did not value her life and waited for the salvation of Jerusalem. It reminds us that she lived for others rather than for herself. As a result, at her old age, she was comforted by seeing the Redeemer of Israel. May we find salvation when we live for the salvation of others so that our lives do not revolve around ourselves.
Let's compare our lives with these 7 people and leave what we want to leave during this Christmas. Remember to share the redemption that is given to us through Jesus Christ to others. May God's peace and grace be found in our lives these days and in the new year ahead.
Translated & compiled from the DLM Publications, Chennai
Who is this man?
He was also a rich man in Ephesus, had a family, servants, and a large estate.
The traits worthy to be mentioned in the life of Onesiphorus
A man with a REFRESHING life
Onesiphorus visited Paul in the Roman prison which refreshed Paul and it was not just once or twice but many times. He was doing this with a great risk to his life without thinking about the danger of the persecution by King Nero against the Christians. Prisons in Paul’s days never provided the basic needs and usually outsiders supplied food and water to prisoned people.
A man with a REVIVING soul
The refreshment brought by Onesiphorus was powerful and revived the Paul’s spirits. Paul needed it as he was practically alone at that time. He stuck by Paul’s side when others wouldn’t. This friendship made Paul wish Onesiphorus mercy and peace to his surviving family.
A man with a REFLECTING mind
Onesiphorus was unashamed of the gospel that was reflected in his ministry at Ephesus where Paul had faithfully preached. So, he was unashamed of Paul’s chain, for it was that very same powerful gospel that had led to Paul’s chain.
Most of us live in safe countries where there are open doors to share the Gospel. But we should remember that these times are dwindling. We have only heard of the pain Christian families underwent in the first century where their loved ones had been taken away in brutal ways in the blink of an eye. Soon, we all will experience the same persecution. Like Onesiphorus, we need to stand strong in our faith even if it means death.
“He who stands firm to the end will be saved” (Matt. 24:13).
Onesiphorus was not a fair-weather friend, but a friend in deed. We have a friend even greater than Onesiphorus, JESUS.
Let us be an Onesiphorus to others!
About me
· I was a Gentile, married Aquila, a Jew from the Turkish province of Pontus
· I was a tentmaker, along with my husband, Aquila
· Our friendship was formed with Paul to share the gospel and lead people to Christ
· I was called as the first female preacher and missionary
· Precisely, I am a businesswoman, a refugee, a traveling evangelist, and a church planter
My Strength
· Faith walk
· Loyalty and obedience to God’s call
· Excel whatever task given
Takeaways from Priscilla’s life
· Priscilla was generous, compassionate, and Zealous to share the word of God
· She was a devoted leader and a great witness
· Priscilla and Aquilla showed kindness, hospitality and hard work, wherever they were
God can use any situation, character, or social and cultural standing to bring glory to His Name
About Me
· I am a dealer in purple cloth and a successful female entrepreneur
· I come from Thyatira, a wealthy town known for its trade guilds and purple dye. Later, I moved to the city of Philippi, a city in Macedonia
· I am the first European convert to Christianity
· I was able to make my whole family get baptized
· I used my honest job in the marketplace to help the spread of the Gospel
My Strength
· Unwavering faith
· Willingness to share wealth
· Hospitable to people
Takeaways from Lydia’s life
· Lydia not only opened her heart but opened her home as well
· She was happy to share what she had through her spiritual gift of hospitality
· Her house was a meeting place for believers, showing her supportive role in the early church
When god has granted us more abundance, then we need to show generosity to those who are in need. All money we received does not belong to us.
About me
· I was an old widow and a woman entrepreneur
· I lived in Joppa, an important port city (Mediterranean Sea)
· I was a dressmaker (Sewing)
· I loved helping people
· My life brought relief to the needy, especially widows
My strengths
· Compassion
· Doing charity out of my wealth
· Selflessness
Takeaways from Dorcas's life
· Dorcas used her talents to help people especially women
· She was faithful in doing good for others
· She built relationships that had a lasting impact on society
· She prioritised service and ministry in her life
· Dorcas’ motivation was to please the Lord and build His Kingdom
· People loved Dorcas so much that Peter raised her from dead
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters…” (Colossians 3:23).
The Bible inspires us with people from various times and cultures.
Lessons from the three brave women
· God can use anyone to fulfil His plan
· God equips us when He calls for His purpose
· There are tough times during our mission
· For God’s work, one doesn’t need big money
· There’s no difference in gender for sharing gospel
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)
Doubting Thomas or denying Thomas?
Doubting Thomas or denying Thomas?
Takeaway from my life
Jesus’s response to my unfaithful statement is one of the most powerful and prophetic statements about faith in all of Scripture:
“Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:29).
Caution to all believers:
Don’t be faithless and Christless so that you are not graceless, hopeless and joyless.
Doubt vs Faith & Obedience
Doubt vs Faith & Obedience
“How can I be sure of this? For I am an old man, and my wife is old as well.” Luke 1:18.
As a result of my mistrust, I was mute until my son John was born.
But I obeyed and believed that God fulfilled His plans despite my questions and unbelief.
Takeaways from Zechariah’s life:
· Our God answers our genuine questions, reinforces our doubts, and gives life through His son
· God never disqualified Zechariah over his question to verify Angel Gabriel’s message
· We can experience the power of God in a life-changing way
· God is always ready to give grace and a second chance to trust as sincere questions receive clear answers
Zechariah kept serving God and fervently praying for their desire to be met and walk with God in spite of sadness and societal disgrace (cultural perceptions). Elizabeth and Zechariah carried the heavy cross of infertility. Their long-awaited prayers were answered.
Remember that God hears our prayers and He is always working and we can bring our honest questions before Him.
From self-doubt to obeying God’s call
From self-doubt to obeying God’s call
Takeaways from Gideon’s life:
· Doubts are never a problem for God. In fact, doubt is an essential part of faith and makes us connected to God.
· Let’s place our doubts before God, in honest and sincere prayer.
· Faith is the only path that will lead to a good Christian life.
· Commit ourselves in God’s hand and He is the best person to manage our lives.
In 1 Corinthians 1:27, we read:
“But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.”
With the guidance of God, we can grow and strengthen our faith like Gideon.
The father of faith doubts God!
When I was 79 years old, God promised me a son. But until I was 100, the promise was not fulfilled.
Our God who is a God of reassurance promised again that me and my wife Sarah would have a child. Though being called as the father of faith, I didn’t believe God and even fell upon my face and laughed.
I was ju
The father of faith doubts God!
When I was 79 years old, God promised me a son. But until I was 100, the promise was not fulfilled.
Our God who is a God of reassurance promised again that me and my wife Sarah would have a child. Though being called as the father of faith, I didn’t believe God and even fell upon my face and laughed.
I was just an ordinary human being who was doubting God as it was almost 20+ years since the promise was given by God.
The circumstances in my life challenged me to doubt God’s promise. But when God said that my wife Sarah would bear me a son named Isaac, I was fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. It was amazing to witness God’s assurances again and again.
God renewed the promise in Genesis 17:4 that Abraham would be the father of many nations, and he changes Abraham’s name from Abram to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah.
Lessons to learn from Abraham’s life
· Our hearts can also be troubled and attacked by doubts though we have an unwavering faith.
· Like Abraham, when circumstances turn to be contrary to what God has spoken to us, doubts slowly creep into our heart
· We need to stir up our faith by the Word and stand upon again. Ask the Holy spirit to strengthen us so that we will never doubt God’s promises for our life
· Many times, we also misunderstand God’s plan like how Abraham have decided that Ishmael's birth was God's plan to fulfil His promise.
The Bible inspires us to believe God that all things are possible with Him as we read in Luke 1:37, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.”
For our self reflection during this traditional (Lenten) season known for self discipline
I was the first one to see Jesus when He rose from dead. Imagine living a demon possessed life (seven no less). That was so frightening and I was rescued from my painful life after Jesus cast out those seven demons. The healing made me love Jesus more and more and follow Him all through my life. I was one of the women who was a part of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. I have been stated in all the four Gospels with a special mention as the one present at His crucifixion and burial (Matthew 27:56).
What do we learn from Mary Magdalene’s life?
1. She was a woman of strong faith
2. Her incredible love for Jesus shows her gratitude towards the healing from Jesus
3. Though her spirit was almost weakened due to crucifixion, she was waiting to hear Jesus’s final words on the cross
4. She was blessed to hear her name said by the risen Lord
5. She was the first person to proclaim the good news of resurrection to the disciples
6. She is the personification of dedication which is seen from her serving Jesus till the end
7. After living an outcast life, she made the hard choice to follow Jesus instead of taking the comfortable decision of settling down and starting a new life
Take home lessons from the life of Mary Magdalene
1. We should give our time and energy to God when we receive something from Jesus’s hands like Mary Magdalene who followed Jesus, served Him and learnt from Him when He healed her
2. Jesus calls us by name like how He called Mary, but do we recognize the ways Jesus is calling us today? Are there times when God had come to us and we couldn’t recognise Him?
3. We should be willing to risk our lives like Mary and other women who were near the cross when most of the disciples disappeared to save their lives
4. Mary’s strong and unstoppable desire to be with Jesus gave her the great privilege of being the FIRST to see the risen Christ. Such desire of being with God can draw us near to Him
5. We need a total surrender and unwavering faith like Mary
Stay faithful even when times are hard and the future results seem to be bleak.
“For we live by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7)
I officiated the trial of Jesus and ordered the crucifixion being the Roman Governor of Judea.
But truly I was reluctant to execute Jesus and tried my best to free Him. My conscience was bothering me especially when my wife was warning that He was innocent. (“Don’t have anything to do with that innocent man, for I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him” - Matthew 27:19).
I was confused about the truth and asked the Righteous Judge of the world, “What is truth?” (John 18:38)
Finally, I made a compromise with Jewish leaders and people, knowing very well that Jesus had been handed over out of envy. I appealed to the crowds asking whom should be set free, Jesus or Barabbas? But the leaders influenced the crowd to shout for Barabbas (Matthew 27:20–21).
The situations and the political pressure made me to authorize both flogging and crucifixion of Jesus. “Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified” (Mark 15:15).
What do we observe about Pilate here?
1. He boldly declared Jesus as innocent three times
2. Pilate had heard of Jesus miracles and knew His reputation
3. His personal meeting with Jesus was for a few moments, but he sensed that Jesus was not an offender
What went wrong with Pilate?
1. He disregarded his conscience and ignored the advice of his wife
2. He goes so far as to release a murderer and condemn an innocent man, just for the sake of his political ambitions
3. Unlike the centurion at the cross, he failed to recognize the saviour standing right before him
4. He pleased the crowd and lost the opportunity to accept Jesus claims
5. He knew what was right but got pressurised to make wrong decision. Later, he even grants the leaders’ request of assigning guards to Jesus’s tomb
Takeaways from Pilate’s life
1. God gave many choices to Pilate. But he ended up making the wrong choice although it fulfilled God’s plan
2. More evil happens when truth is at the mercy of people who are prone to succumbing under external pressures and avoid making the hard decisions
3. A person who resists the truth would be the one without any purpose or direction
4. God gives opportunity for everyone if you are a Jew or Gentile. Pilate’s wife was able to find who Jesus was
5. Everyone is responsible for the choices we make, but would face the consequences of sinful ones on the day of judgement
In such situations, would you stand for God or follow Pilate’s path?
I am PETER and the meaning of my name is Rock. Basically, I was a fisherman but later became a fisher of men. My brother Andrew introduced me to Jesus and I had the opportunity to live with Jesus when He came to the earth and saw him face to face. The years I spent with Jesus transformed me from an uneducated man into a courageous and faithful apostle and I established early churches.
I could be given many taglines – “Prompt Peter”, “Versatile Volunteer”, “Action King”, “Ready Responder” and so on.
My deeds include swiping off Malchus’s ear (John 18:10); my eagerness to walk to the Lord on the water (Matthew 14:28); swift to answer the Lord’s question – “Who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:16); when Jesus exposed that He was going to be taken and killed and raised up, I jumped in to rebuke Him (Matthew 16:22); I burst out on the Mount of transfiguration about making three tabernacles (Matthew 17:4); and the last and firm one: declared so strongly that I would not deny my Lord (Matthew 26:33-35).
Though I did some blunders, I had great faith. I would be always excited to do things and known to be Outspoken, Headstrong, “all-or-nothing,” and had miraculous gifts. I felt sad that I fell asleep in the garden when Jesus asked us to pray and denied Jesus three times.
Takeaways from my life:
1. Put God first
2. Be excited to be the child of Jesus
3. Be committed
4. Be persevered till the end of your life
5. Think before speaking
6. Do not be hasty and inconsistent
7. Have a blazing heart to do God’s work
Learn about the most prominent people in the Bible and their stories. Let God speak to us through his creations.
God taught me a lesson through a big storm, a big fish, a vine, a worm and scorching wind.
I had tough choices like “Should I do this or not”, but I did make a couple of wrong choices.
God told me to go to Nineveh to warn the Assyrians, the evil people and one of Israel’s greatest enemies. But I freaked out and ran away from God as well as from the assignment He gave me. Then headed by another boat to Tarshish.
I was transparent to the sailors by asking them to throw me overboard so that the storm would stop whereas I could have lied and gone for a nap of few more hours below the deck.
Though I prophesied to Nineveh, I wasn’t happy about it and reluctantly fulfilled God’s mission. But one thing I was convinced in a powerful way was that all salvation comes from the Lord (Jonah 2:9).
The sailors tried their level best to spare my life though they were not believers even after knowing very well that I was the cause of the storm.
Moreover, I was a complainer. I didn’t respect God and routinely questioned God, disagreed with Him, and the worst vented my anger against God.
Takeaways from the life of Jonah
1. Our God is a God of second chances. It’s always better to admit our mistakes when we mess up and avoid the temptation to blame others.
2. God’s great love and abundant mercy prove that He doesn’t want anyone to miss out.
3. A touchstone for our lives would be aligning our desires with God’s. God wanted not just Jonah’s actions but his heart as well though he was wanting revenge and holding bitterness.
4. Don’t try to run away from God. He can use weak or flawed people to fulfil His mission.
5. Above all these happenings, a relief for Jonah was that he was one of the four prophets Jesus mentioned by name during His earthly ministry. Matthew 12:40 (The others were Isaiah, Daniel, and Zechariah).
I am Jesus's cousin. My mother, Elizabeth was a cousin of Jesus' mother, Mary. I lived in the desert, ate locusts and wild honey, and wore clothes from camel’s hair with a leather belt. I was called to announce Jesus's arrival. As I baptized people including the Lord Jesus Christ, I was called John the Baptist. Jesus's words about me, " Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he” (Matthew 11:11). Prophets , both Isaiah and Malachi prophesied about me. I came to prepare the way for the Lord and was determined with my mission. I stood for truth and was not afraid of the religious or political leaders of my days. My death was commissioned through a heartless and cruel plot. But I felt my mission was completed and I obeyed God’s call until death.
My life lessons to you:
WORK CRISIS - Challenges in the work place
Daniel gets on a promising career while remaining publicly devoted to God. When King Darius appointed rulers, he placed three leaders above them . One of the leaders was Daniel. As he did a better job than the other two and was a good and able man, the King decided to put Daniel in charge of the whole kingdom. When someone is chosen to be above others, those not chosen may feel resentment. The administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. The unbelieving world doesn't want a believer in charge even if they are gifted and efficient. Though God’s power overcame human deceit and royal dictate, Daniel did experience what most of us would call suffering in work place.
PRAYER CRISIS - Challenges in prayer life
For Daniel, prayer was a matter of life and death. Daniel's enemies convinced the king to make a decree that any one who prays to any god or man other than the king during the next 30 days shall be thrown into the lions’ den. The decree captivated Daniel, but he continued to pray to God. So, Daniel was thrown in the lions’ den overnight and the Lord’s angels performed what the king could not perform. Daniel prayed three times a day and acknowledged God in every tough issue he faced.
FAITH CRISIS - Challenges in being faithful
God didn't keep Daniel out of the Den but He protected him in the den. The king conceded to Daniel, “May your God, whom you faithfully serve, deliver you!” (Dan. 6:16) Daniel is a great example of staying true to convictions and faith in the most difficult situations. Psalm 37: 1-15 should have been Daniel's meditation. Believers in Christ are always facing the same pressure like Daniel.
Am I going to choose to be what God wants me to be, or what the world wants me to be?
If we want to be like Daniel, then we need to be committed to not giving in to the small compromises of life.
If some of the Bible characters are offered a teaching job at the University of Old and New Testaments, just think about the subjects to which they would probably apply.
Paul is one of the important persons in the history of Christianity. His epistles (letters) have great influence on Christian theology mainly on the relationship between God the Father and Jesus, and on the human relationship with God
Luke was the beloved Physician as mentioned by Paul in Colossians 4:14, " Luke the beloved physician sends you his greetings..." His reputation is significant because he never disputed or questioned a claim of healing either through the ministry of Jesus or the leaders of the early church.
Mathew was a tax collector mentioned in Matthew 9:9. He collected taxes and other levies that was set by the Romans. Zacchaeus was another tax collector who would collect money from the Jews. People disliked tax collectors as they made the Romans richer and the Jews poorer. But both Matthew and Zacchaeus were forgiven by Jesus.
Lydia was a wealthy and influential businesswoman who sold articles dyed purple as mentioned in Acts 16:14, "One of those listening was a woman from the city of Thyatira named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth..."
Peter grew from a fisherman to become a fisher of men. Mathew 4:18,19 says, "Now as Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon who was called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. And He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Genesis 2: 19,20
God brought all the beasts of the field and the birds of the air to Adam and he named all livestock, the birds and the beasts.
Genesis 47:14-16
Joseph managed the food and economic crisis during the famine at Egypt.
Exodus 17
Moses played multiple roles throughout his life. Moses is a courageous leader who rose to all challenges and led the Israelites out of Egypt.
Jonah 1 - 2
Through his ship journey to Tarshish, there was shipwreck and he spent time in the great fish's belly. (1:17)
Judges 4 - 5
Deborah's role is important in leading the Israelites in a military campaign against the Canaanite general Sisera. Under her guidance, the Israelite forces, led by Barak, won a significant war over the Canaanites at the Battle of Mount Tabor.
Solomon wrote the Song of Solomon, the book of Ecclesiastes, and much of the book of Proverbs. God gave him wisdom when he asked for governing people righteously.
Ezekiel 37: 1- 14
God transported Ezekiel in a vision to a valley full of dry bones and directed him to speak to the bones. Ezekiel was to tell the bones that God would make breath, enter the bones and they would come to life and he did.
1 Samuel 16:16-23
David was “a skillful musician, a mighty man of valor, a warrior, one prudent in speech, a handsome man,” and the LORD was with him. (I Samuel 16:18)
Hosea 3: 1- 5
Hosea in his ministry, he expounded on the adultery metaphor, calling Israel to account for its idolatry and apostasy, laying out God’s charges against the people, and foretelling judgment.
Esther 5
Esther said, “If it pleases the king, let the king and Haman come today to the banquet I have prepared for him” (Est. 5:4).
King Xerxes really liked banqueting.
The above mentioned Biblical characters have accomplished great things, but they were normal people just like us. These ordinary people who made decisions transformed them into extraordinary legends and accomplished their objectives. Isn't it great?
Acknowledgement: Teen Devotional Bible
I placed my baby in a basket and set it afloat on the Nile River.
I definitely obeyed the Pharaoh's order, but made a small adjustment.
My daughter Miriam offered me as nurse maid to Pharoah' s daughter when she found my baby in the river.
Saving my son’s life came with a cost. I was blessed to nurse and nurture him but I had relinquished him to be adopted and raised by Pharaoh’s daughter.
So, you know the love of a mother, making great sacrifices never end.
Because Jochebed trusted and feared God, God gave her the courage and ability to think clearly and creatively thereby fulfilling God’s redemptive plan for Moses and the entire nation.
I know what is in your mind once you saw my name.
I was a prostitute in Jericho, but I am a Biblical heroine. How?
I am among the three women listed in the genealogy of Jesus in Mathew chapter 1.
So, what else I did?
I hid the Israelite spies sent by Joshua to see the land of Canaan, lied to the cops and let the men out through the window.
In turn, the men spared me and my family when Jericho was attacked by Israelite army men.
This is how I came to live in the new Israel .
From being a Canaanite woman and prostitute, I moved to an ancestress of Jesus Christ (Matt 1:5).
Wow! Isn't amazing to see God’s ways of acting. God chooses the lowest to humble the highest. Do you have broken life like Rahab? God is ready to mend your life.
Jericho's story is all about destruction, but Rahab's life is seen as reconstruction.
Now do you remember my tagline " Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God." ?
I married outside my own people and abandoned my national identity.
I am a Moabite immigrant to Judea due to my first and second marriages and struggled to adjust to the Jewish culture initially.
My marriage to a prosperous man named Boaz, a relative of Naomi, my mother in law changed my life.
My humility led to God using me in a mighty way and I became the great-grandmother of King David.
It's a honour for me as one of the books is named after me in the old testament.
God is faithful to those who are faithful to Him.
Ruth's life reminds us that God can use anyone, no matter how humble or insignificant they may seem.
I had no children but I made a deal with God. The deal is if you give a child, I will give the child back to you.
Peninnah, the other wife of Elkanah, (my husband) always taunts me at our annual pilgrimage to Shiloh.
I fervently poured out my heart before God.
I never gave up hope that God would hear my prayer.
I dedicated my baby Samuel to the Lord and he became the first prophet after Moses and the last judge of Israel.
I was a woman of prayer with a lot of faith and who lived the Word.
Like Hannah, we do face challenges in life, but fervent prayer will guide, uplift, and encourage us though circumstances may not always yield the desired outcome, but God wants us to come to Him as Hannah did.
Hi! We are God's messengers!
Our Job title: Couriers
Specialists: Surprise helpers
Tagline: “Bingo”
Caution: Appear in multitudes
More about us
Job Outcome
Job title: Law Enforcement Officers
Specialist: Wiping out enemies
Tagline: Just wind up!
Caution: Capable of toasting, destroying & punishing...
Job outcome
Successful completion of Unpleasant works
Hi I am Gabriel!
My job title: ANNOUNCER
Specialists: Birth announcements
Tagline: “Do not be afraid”
Caution: Scary messages
More about me
Job Outcome
But finally, everyone is happy.
Hi I am Michael!
My job title: WARRIOR
Specialists: Fly and rescue people
Tagline: “Archangel – the top angel” (Jude 9)
Caution: Great fighter, never stop without winning
Outcome: Always the winner
About me
Though God can do anything, sometimes He uses special people to do some important job. As we read in Mark 16:15, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation”, Be part of JESUS'S ARMY taking the good news to all.
Are you ready?
Pictures are imaginary
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